July 07, 2015 19 Comments
As we're all waiting for the new Aeotec MultiSensor 6 to be officially added to the list of supported devices by all major Z-Wave gateways, I have been testing and researching a way to properly include the device to my VeraEdge. I was finally able to configure 4 basic child sensors a couple of days ago. It looks like another few weeks before we see the UV and vibration sensors on Vera's interface but all other 4 are functional after a quick manual fix.
Here are the steps to set up the ZW100-A MultiSensor with a VeraEdge. Make sure you have the latest version of UI7 firmware installed on your hub. If not, click here to perform the update first. If you're planning to use the sensor on batteries, the manufacturer recommends pairing it with the sensor running on batteries, not connected to the USB port.
1. Bring the MultiSensor close to your hub and add it to your Vera choosing the 4-in-1 sensor as device type and single-clicking on the action button. It will come up as a "D_GenericIO1" device. You may have to exclude it first (simply send an unpairing command from your Vera and click on the MultiSensor’s action button - read more here).
2. Once the device is included, please wait for all children nodes to show up. Then press the action button quickly 3 times to put the device in the wake up mode. DO NOT hold the action button. The LED indicator on the sensor should blink - do not press anything else on the sensor at this point.
3. Select the new device, then click on Advanced.
4. Go to the Params tab and make the following changes:
- device_type: urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:MotionSensor:1
- device_file: D_MotionSensor1.xml
- device_json: D_MotionSensor1.json
5. Wait for the led indicator on the MultiSensor to stop blinking. Do not press anything on the device until the process is completed.
6. Put the sensor in the wake-up mode again and send the “Configure Node Now” command from your Vera.
7. Once the device is configured (the LED indicator will stop blinking), restart your Vera.
Let me know if you find a shorter way to set it up or if I've missed something!
July 24, 2015
Is it compatible with veralite???
July 23, 2015
Hi JAN, I have some more info for you. We are all getting stuck on step 2. I can not get past this step without an error.
- If you hold the action button for 10 seconds, it blinks a red light (once) and then nothing
- If you hold the action button for 5 seconds, it blinks a yellow light for about 20 seconds then errors (purge associations)
- If you hold the action button for 7 seconds, it blinks a purple light for about 20 seconds then errors (Getting secure classes)
There’s something we are all missing. Can you verify I have the right firmware (below)? Also, can you try the set up again and watch the LED light on the front while setting up?
Vera Edge firmware version: 1.7.1248
THANKS! Completely lost without you.
July 22, 2015
You mentioned that it “stopped blinking” – if the sensor was blinking before you pressed the action button for 10 seconds it means that it was probably still communicating with the controller. Try excluding it and adding again, then wait for the led indicator on the sensor to go out, you should see all child nodes on the dashboard by that time. Continue with pressing the action button for around 10 seconds (but not more than for 15) only after the MultiSensor does not blink anymore. Maybe that will help!
July 22, 2015
I’ve failed to get this to work myself. The difference I see between what I’m experiencing and the instructions here is that my device stops blinking (red) when I hold the button down for 10 seconds to put it in wake-up mode. The article here implies it keeps on blinking, mine does not. So I end up with 5 devices – none of them appear to be doing anything useful, and the GET_LANG(genericsensor,sensor) I have zero idea about. There is red text below the PIR sensor saying “Purging associations” and I cannot seem to get beyond that point.
July 21, 2015
Hi guys,
Sorry for not replying earlier. I guess I was not clear in the post about the device type, I chose “Generic Z-Wave device” from the list and by secure I meant adding it by click TWICE on the action button on the MultiSensor. This will allow for the device to be added as a Z-Wave Plus and should get rid of the error. Also make sure you have your Vera updated to the latest version of the UI7.
I hope that was helpful! Let me know if I missed anything.
July 20, 2015
Andrew…. Yes, I have the same problem (purge associations) with VeraEdge. I’ve wasted a little too much time trying to get this thing to work. I guess we better wait for Vera/Aeon to sort things out.
July 13, 2015
Have you run into this causing VeraEdge to continually try to purge associations and never finish setting up the device?
July 11, 2015
Hello, I’ve tried it 5 times now. I think I’m missing something. I do not have an option for “add it to your Vera as a secure Generic Z-Wave device” I have the generic option but no secure generic. Does yours say secure? Seems to be getting hung up at “Getting secure classes” – Thank You!
November 29, 2024
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September 26, 2024
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July 24, 2015
Rafael, It is not. I upgraded to edge for this one. They have a $50 rebate deal going this month.